Adorable overload. Cannot compute.

Snack and Bidet snoozing w/Dan



Fed is the winner! His suggestion "Snackleby (Snacks for short)" inspired "Snack," which makes me giggle everytime I say it. Cindee affirmed my decision by cooing, "He's so cute, I could just spread him on a cracker and eat him." Of course, that statement made me contemplate the name "Cracker" for a moment. But Snack it is.

Snack's first trip to the dog run

Running with the little dogs

Sniffing some Chihuahua butt
Sorry. This is going to be about the dog for a while.
No Disney names in my house

Dan and NotSimba after a walk in the rain
It's a long established rule. So, I asked some of my "comedy friends" to help rename the adorable NotSimba. This was mostly for my own entertainment (I had a couple of names floating around my brain), but to my surprise and great joy, it worked!
Here are some of my favorite suggestions.
submitted by Amy
Thimble (kind of like Simba if you have a lisp)
Mr. Whipple
Mooshi mooshi
Swayback Wilson
submitted by Michele
Sydney (from the Tony Randall show)
Beauregard JP Burnside (from Auntie Mame)
Miracle Max
Bonanza Jellybean
submitted by Sarah
bean dog
harry hamlin
kissin' spot
Mr. Pants
submitted by Cindee
Roger Clark
submitted by Stanny!
The Mysterious Dr. Glickstein
Bobby Cordovan
Strunken White
submitted by Tony
Walter M. Disney
Michael Eisner
That other character from Cinderella
The Little Mermaid
Lilo and Stitch
submitted by Chris
Style! (Then you could ask the Con-Ed guy, "Do you want to see my doggie, Style?")
submitted by Ashley
Dr. Gilbert (that's my gyno's name)
Lt. Caffey (I think that's a character in A Few Good Men)
St. Cutie Britches
submitted by Federico
snackleby (snacks for short)
"The Grange"
captain jazbo
ivan "ironman" stewart
submitted by Kristin
Woofman Jack
Muscles LeBeau
Puffs Plus
submitted by Rachel
J. Edgar Hoover
submitted by Jeff
Senor Snowpants
The Freshness
John Wayne Gacy
*My definition of cute includes the sub-category "nauseating"
I mulled over this list for several days, turning various names around in my head, trying them out on NotSimba. Finally, one took hold.
This list is being maintained as a database for future pet-naming needs. Please contact Crumbles Snowpea, ESQ at Barker and Meowsky, LLC A Paw Firm to inquire about royalties and permissions.
You can take the Jersey out of the girl...

Dumbfounded on my stoop
See previous entries,
"Can't you wait?",
"Summer Tuesday" and
"What is it with this town?".
I got a dog!
His name is Simba for the time being.
My co-worker, Michelle, and her husband, Michael are moving to London. A combination of airline regulations and England's 6-month manditory quarantine for all dogs entering the country prevents them from taking their adorable pups across the pond.

Rooney, the black, 3-year-old Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix, has moved in with our friend Tamara and her two boys. Simba, the fawn, 15-month-old Pekingese has come to live with me.

Michelle, Simba and Michael
They brought Simba in from New Jersey this afternoon. We met outside and went for a walk with Bidet before introducing him to the apartment. He seemed to take to the city bustle pretty well.
Michelle and Michael felt comfortable in my apartment, and were thrilled Simba would have a partner in crime. It was a bittersweet, tearful exchange; I'm beside myself with excitement, but my heart breaks for Michelle and Michael.

They left after about 20 minutes, unable to drag out the goodbyes any longer. Simba wimpered at the door for a few minutes before he crashed from the excitement. He is so precious, I can barely look at him. He only weighs 8 pounds for Pete's sake! At long last, I have a dog of my very own. I will love him and hug him and squeeze him and call him...

Hmm, about that name...
The smell of Freedom

Cabbing to an early morning rehearsal

This morning, my cab was odiferous with the smell of Freedom, which is oddly reminiscent of Lysol and Designer Imposters Obsession.
Scott took a cab from LaGuardia to my pad this afternoon, and was sure his cab driver was boiling shrimp.
I'll take Freedom.
Fare thee well, Michelle

And thanks for the dog!
Sometimes it's cool to look up

Waiting for the bus on 10th Avenue and 16th St.
Chickens are back at the Ranch

New year, new frontiers...
Chicken Ranch circled the wagons for our first rehearsal of aught-six.
The Pit was never so much fun at 9:30 in the a.m.

After rehearsal, we plotted world domination at a diner on 28th and 7th that we never knew existed.

We're ready. B'gawk!