Saturday, December 04, 2004

It's no problem

Padding around the pad

With the impending holiday crush, I find myself experiencing periods of extreme creative immobilization followed by unfettered productivity. While an even flow would be nice, fits and starts are better than nothing. So many projects need my attention - mainly the book - but the anarchic state of my dwelling is moving rapidly to the top of the list. Sweaters, books, shoes, scraps of paper, yarn, piles of notes, incense droppings, backpack contents and empty glasses clutter my futon, floor, coffee table and desk. Dishes collect in the sink; my bedroom is a dumping ground for the useless. And what do I do about it on this committment-free Saturday? I volunteer to help a friend, thus putting off necessary tasks yet another day.

Concept-to-address-with-my-therapist of the day: why I put others' needs ahead of my own.

Soundtrack of the day: obscure and random Christmas music as I compile the Jews and Orphans Xmas Mix


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