Monday, November 01, 2004

Shaking in my favorite red sneakers

The carpet under my desk at the office.

I'm crocheting rosettes out of cheap Red Heart acrylic at my desk today to keep from going bonkers. The impending election has me all worked up and I'm nervously flitting from one website to the next, looking for answers. Luckily, the crocheting has begun to work its calming magic and I should make it through the work day with a little scrap of sanity left.

Tomorrow, on Election Day, I will be volunteering as a poll monitor for Common Cause and then I will vote before I go to therapy where I will likely talk about how the state of the world makes me feel helpless and crippled; how angry I am that I no longer believe my vote really counts; and how sad I am that my idealism is turning into cynicism, but that I hope I can (a) salvage the integrity that I lost voting against someone instead of for someone or (b) live with the guilt of voting my conscience in such a closely contested election when the pragmatic thing would be to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Song of the Day: People Have the Power - Patti Smith


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