Thursday, October 28, 2004

I got those DMV blues

On the block

Last night, while attempting to mail a parcel that weighed more than one pound, I realized I lost my driver's license. When or where, I have no idea. So, it's off to the DMV for me; I'll need that sucker to vote on Tuesday. ARG. Why does one always lose one's ID before a major event that requires proof of identification, such as an election or air travel? It's a universal mystery.

The upshot is I am sadly lacking in required proof of existence (lost SS card, Mom has birth certificate and lives in another state) and may encounter some trouble in obtaining my new license in this era of "heightened security." Wish me luck.

Things to be thankful for:
- today's clear blue sky
- the eclipse last night - sweet!
- Belle and Sebastian
- maGs
- getcrafty

Updated at 3:38 PM:

Look, Ma, I'm on TV!

While I wasn’t shattered into a million pieces and then sent over the air waves into a Wonkavision set only to be put back together again only much, much smaller, I was interviewed by Channel 4 News (my local NBC affiliate) about voter registration snafus at the DMV. Why me, you ask? Because I was smoking a cigarette outside the DMV while I waited to get my new license (which was surprisingly quick and painless). A reporter and cameraman approached me, and before I could say, “Agh! Get that thing away from me,” the reporter was asking me what I thought and I was answering her.

It seems a man registered to vote when he got his driver’s license and then called the Board of Elections to make sure everything was okay and they couldn’t find his registration. The reporter asked me a) what I thought of that, b) what I thought happened to the paperwork and c) if I was concerned that these problems are happening. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but something along the lines of: a) I’m not surprised, b) I have no idea and c) there must be major election reform if voters are to ever feel confident that their votes count. Then the reporter looked at the cameraman and said, “That was great!” and then to me, “Very well-spoken. Thank you!” and then she tongue-kissed me. Okay, everything but the last part is true.

I forgot to ask her when it would be on. Doink.


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