Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The other D

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With enduring patience at the Nokia Theater

Funny story! Cat's son-in-law Dave is in a kick ass band The Explosion, that has opened for Social Distortion in the recent past. The other night Dave called and told Cat the band had been offered comps from Social D for their Tuesday night show in NYC. Well, of course, the Explosion guys were all over that, and they didn't have an extra for Cat. Instead Cat and I tried to get standing room tickets for Spamalot, but were smacked down.

Figuring our evening a bust, we went to my place to regroup and think about what to do. Then the phone rang. Kelly's boyfriend Paul had been given two tickets to Social Distortion by his boss, who was unable to attend. She and Paul weren't interested, so they offered them to me. Evening saved by rock n roll (and an overbooked photographer)!

Cat and I hauled it over to the brand-new Nokia Theater on 44th and B'way and met up with Dave and The Explosion guys; we arrived in plenty of time. The opening bands ranged from pretty okay (Bullets and Octane) to horrifying-parody-of-a-punk-band (Mest). Our endurance was worth it; SD rocked our casbahs right out of the joint.

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(if you look closely, you can see the smoking/drinking skeleton mascot backdrop)

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Since you can't see just how hot Mike Ness is from my amateur photography, feast your eyes about here:


What else is there to say? Great band, great night. The only topper would have been getting backstage shots of Mike Ness' feet; but Cat didn't want to be the annoying mother-in-law. No worries. I hate talking to famous people anyway. I'd rather admire from afar.

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Reveling in the rock-n-roll hotness


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