Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Adventures of Leigh and Michele: The Tale of the Careless Commuter

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Awaiting rescue

I do not have keys to my office, nor do I have an ATM card. These seemingly unrelated realities have been, until this evening, no more than occasionally inconvenient. Twice reminding myself not to, I left my train farecard on my desk, walked out of my office, closed the door, walked down the stairs and out onto the sidewalk. I was the last to leave, all doors locking behind me with no way back in. My wallet contained 2 quarters. I live in Manhattan and work in Jersey City, New Jersey.

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I can almost see home from here

Before I could formulate a reasonable plan, Michele called my cell phone. I told her I would walk from Jersey City to the George Washington Bridge to gain pedestrian access to my island home, but she assured me that was a ridiculous idea. She offered, instead, to come get me.

Purchasing 3 tickets for the ferry from 38th St. to Colgate/Jersey City, Michele lived the adventure of so many bi-state commuters. I read on the pier, enjoying the seaside breeze and cotton candied view of Manhattan until she arrived.

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Michele checked in with me, via my new cell phone every step of the way. "I'm getting on the bus to the pier. Okay. Bye." "I'm in the ticket line at the pier. Okay. Bye." "I just missed the ferry. Okay. Bye." "Another ferry is approaching." "I'm on the ferry." It made the wait that much more exciting.

The city lights on both sides of the Hudson sparkled for us as we transversed the river homeward. We giggled about how much fun being stranded can be when you have good friends. Michele is my own little FEMA, but cuter and with swifter reaction times.

PS - More last-days-of-summer feet adventures.


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