Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rawk it like you mean it

Jen and I met up for dinner at Katz' and then our buddy and drummer Scott's rawk* show at Mercury Lounge Tuesday night.

We shared an enormous egg salad sandwich and a sweet potato knish,

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Enjoying the grub

then trapsed over to Two Boots for a pre-show beverage (pronounce beh-veh-RAH-j).

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Feet with beer - this made me so happy my head almost exploded.

Finally, the hour arrived and so did we.

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Ercury Loun

The place was packed, but we saw Scott K (the bass player) outside, and he assured us we would get in. He was correct; inside LP and the band of Scotts (and a Josh and another guy - sorry other guy) kicked our rock-n-roll asses hard.

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Jen and I with kicked-in asses (not pictured)

After the show, we hung out while, in typical musician fashion, the guys loaded up the van. Our wait was rewarded with some sweaty sugar from Scott, a quick beer and a little quality catch-up time. Sweaty sugar is the best sugar, just so you know.

*It goes against my better nature (and copy editor's code of ethics) to miss spell words intentionally, but for one who rawks as well as Scott, I can be bendy.


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