Friday, February 18, 2005

Sidewalk ends

Avoiding the construction on the way to the PATH train

Jersey City holds its pedestrians in very low esteem. Every day that I choose to walk from the PATH train to my office*, I put my life in danger. There is a great deal of construction going on in the Exchange Place section of JC: the replacement of traffic lights, which involves the removal of the walk/don't walk indicators at a particularly busy intersection; the destruction of sidewalks, which force me to walk in the street; and the removal of a strategically placed STOP sign, which requires I be extra careful crossing in a crosswalk. All of these factors, combined with an "I dare you to cross the street while I'm trying to turn right on red" attitude of local drivers, make my morning and afternoon commute that much more exciting. As my friend and co-worker Matt says, "If you want to die but are afraid of actually killing yourself, try walking in Jersey City."

*By "choose to walk..." I mean choose to go to work.


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